The Governor will advance legislation to prohibit gender-based pricing discrimination for substantially similar or like kind goods and services.
Read moreThe pink tax refers to the extra amount women are charged for certain products or services. Things like dry cleaning, personal care products, and vehicle maintenance. So not only do women make less but they pay more. Women also live longer so they actually need more money for retirement.
Read moreCuomo: "Women shouldn't be nickel and dimed their entire lives because of their gender - it's discriminatory and repugnant to our values and we're putting an end to it."
Read moreLAS VEGAS — Pop quiz time: Two comparable products sit before you. One's pink, with daisies and smiling women on the packaging. One's not. If you had to guess, which one is more expensive?
Read moreGillette leverages toxic masculinity debate to help support sales of higher priced women's razors...
Read more"Razors. Perfume. Dry cleaning services. The list of things women pay more for goes on and on."
Read more"Our female producer was charged at least twice as much in more than half the businesses visited. In one, she was charged $7.50 while her male counterpart just $2.85. At another, she paid $3 dollars more."
Read moreFrom dry cleaning to haircuts, women often pay more than men due to gender pricing. Find out why you may be paying more, but receiving less.
Read more"On average, across all five industries, DCA found that women’s products cost 7 percent more than similar products for men.'
Read moreCanada will stop taxing feminine hygiene products from 1 July (2015), the government has confirmed. Pressure is mounting on other governments to follow suit.
Read moreStudy by Non-Profit American Association of University Women (AAUW) Reveals that “in 2016, women working full time in the United States typically were paid just 80 percent of what men were paid.”
Read moreThe Scottish Government will hand out free sanitary products to those in need in as part of a pilot project in Aberdeen.
Read moreGoverner Jerry Brown vetoes the Tampon (and Diaper) Tax bill because it would have raised taxes on liquor go figure!
Read moreThere's a secret tax screwing women out of thousands of dollars a year — and you probably don't know it's happening. It's the Pink Tax! Make sure to click on the hilarious video!
Read moreMichael Cone, a trade lawyer who’s been fighting gender price discrimination for two decades, talks to Yahoo! Finance about the Pink Tax.
Read moreThe Huffington Post interviews Michael T. Cone, trade attorney, who explains these costs and how woman can opt out of the "woman tax".
Read moreUncle Sam wants to know what's in your pants before deciding how much import taxes to assess on your shoes and clothes (2007 front page New York Times article)
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